The Gitga'at Development Corporation team features both Gitga'at members and non-members with skills, expertise, and knowledge that help the organization fulfil its mandate. United in the purpose of identifying and developing projects, the team aims to find opportunities that combine economic growth with the achievement of community goals—such as employment and infrastructure improvements.
The Team
Driven By Purpose & Values
Joe Bevan joined Gitga'at Development Corporation as CEO on September 19, 2022.
Joe's heritage is Nisga'a/Tshimshian, and he is a member of the Kitselas First Nation. He has worked in financial management and leadership roles for First Nations. He has focused his career on working for the advancement of Indigenous Peoples in the economy of Canada.
Joe intends to continue the GDC's ongoing work in developing joint venture partnerships in BC's northwest and in seeking opportunities for investment, collaboration, and development of opportunities for Gitga'at members.
Prospective joint venture partners may contact Joe to discuss any potential opportunities.